So here I was, home again, and I saw it sitting on its usual place. For once, I felt that it looked at me, smiled and said “Welcome back dude!”
… I come back home from work every day at a time that is ‘late’ by every human standard on the planet. On my way to my apartment, I see this cute little bird sitting on a beam near the stairs of the second floor. It sits there alone, silent and still, peering at the starry sky, and may be thinking about life and its hollowness. We see each other every day and bid a smile. No one says a word.
I don’t know why but I feel there is a connection between our lives. I see my own reflection in the bird that I see sitting throughout the night, on a lonely beam, homeless and hopeless too. Free to go, yet caged. Yes, it wanders round the whole sky all day; Yes, it may be surrounded by a flock of friends all day; Yes, it may look happy and free from worries; yet, it sits alone at the end of day, gazing at the stars all night, wondering what life has turned out to be. No friends to sit beside it, no family to offer love, no partner to share life with and no hope to support its existence. Only the endless gloom of insignificance...